Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I am thankful for this smiling face


I am so thankful for this smiling face -- even when she wakes me up at 6AM. She is an excellent cuddler and her early morning wakings are easily forgiven when she wraps her soft, warm arms around my neck and squeezes.

The big (and I do mean BIG) news around here these days is that the notorious P.I.G. is GONE. Well, not exactly gone, we cut off the stinky feet that this aforementioned sweet child had the habit of sucking on. I admit, I was nervous. I was worried I would end up sewing the darn things back on or something similarly ridiculous.

But, this amazing child above took it all in stride. No more stinky pig feet. HIP HIP HORRAY!

Now we are gearing up for Thanksgiving. We have over 25 relatives coming into town. I LOVE Thanksgiving and I love spending it with lots and lots of family. This is where I need your help. I need to make a dish with carrots and one with green beans. So - if you have any ideas, send them my way!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sisterly Love and Holding Down the Fort

Sisterly love...I know so little about - cuz I have a brother.

Looks so sweet right?

Moments ago while the girls read books on the sofa, I overheard Vaughan tell Ellery "I want to sit on your lap." Ellery obliged. What starts out sweet can often times end in a confrontation. I will keep you posted on this one.

Despite the conflicts, for the most part, most of the time, on a good day, at exactly 6:05, these girls get along gloriously!

They even keep each other company in the bathroom.

P.S. So far everything is calm on the sofa but time is ticking so I better get moving before my good luck runs out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween in pictures

Monday, November 2, 2009

Welcome November

Welcome to November. How did we get here...and so quickly I might add? I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that there are only 2 month, 60 days left in 2009.

It was a busy weekend around these parts. Alan and I kicked things off by attending this fundraising event at the Aquarium. It was fun but holy hurtness...my feet were in pain. There was a lot lot lot of standing (along with eating and drinking and catching up with friends.)

There were some Halloween parades (pictures to follow) and, of course, some trick or treating. Despite the rainy, chilly weather - we had a blast.

We are anxiously counting down the days until Thanksgiving when we get to celebrate Gagi's birthday with 25-30 of our fabulous relatives. So while I am sad to bid farewell to my FAVORITE month -- I am encouraged by what November has in store.