Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Wanderer


May is almost over -- and we have survived! When did May become such a hectic month? We hosted a year end sing along with Mrs. Duncan. It seemed like a great idea at the time -- after all Mrs. Duncan (the music teacher at school) would entertain the kids. I would simply serve lunch, provide ice cream and keep the kids contained.


I started feeling slightly concerned when I realized that there would be 14 kids between the ages of 2 and 4 at my house - many without their parents. The concern turned to panic when I discovered we had a wanderer among us.


You know.... a wanderer. The kid who never is really with the rest of the kids but is always off wandering by himself. I found him early on in our house, by himself -- after all the party was outside - why would he be out there? I knew immediately what we had on our hands. A HANDFUL!


It hadn't been more than two minutes when I discovered that The Wanderer had wandered off - AGAIN. I grabbed Carmen and surely my panicked face said it all...we both start searching. We found him on the front porch -- by HIMSELF.

Twice more I found him in the garage ..... once after his mother had arrived. They say all those who wander are not lost. That might be true but those who wander under the age of 4 sure do wear you out!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Year End Recitals


The end of the year bring with it lots of year end parties and recitals.


Ellery LOVED LOVED LOVED being on stage.


And Vaughan was pretty darn proud of her gymnastics performance as well.


She was so happy that Mommy, Daddy, Gagi and Pop Pop all came to see her show off her moves.


This is the infamous Coach Eric above -- Vaughan has decided that regardless of the sex of this new baby.....we should name it Coach Eric.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Fabulous Friday

Friday, Gagi graciously watched the girls while I had the pleasure of attending a breakfast hosted by a friend who puts Martha Stewart to shame. Don't you love friends like that?

After the breakfast, we scooted over to the ADAC garage sale. I didn't intend to purchase anything - but I have been looking for a lamp for the table in our foyer.

I think I found the perfect one. Every time I walk by, I smile.

Up all night


I think when you near the end of a pregnancy, your body starts to prepare you for the sleepless nights ahead. I can't sleep and it is quite frustrating.

So instead of tossing and turning and turning and tossing, I dragged myself out of bed and here I sit.

And - why not share these pics from when the Littles recently came for a visit. Of course, the sprinklers were on, the kids were running around. It's summer - is there anything else on the agenda?


Come back for another visit again soon!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Girls Just Want to Have Fun


These girls are downright silly.


Honestly, most days they make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. Don't get me wrong - they usually make me want to cry a few times each day too.


Yesterday, Vaughan broke down in the car because she couldn't get herself buckled and then was upset when I tried to help her. The final straw was when Ellery got in the car on "her side." When did she take up ownership of one side of the car? She screamed and cried and managed to pry herself out of her car seat. Ellery and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders.
Take a look at that sweet face above again. Now smile!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010



Undeniably, one of the best things about summer is running through sprinklers.

The kids love the chance to get wet and cool off.


I love the chance to sit down and watch them...and capture moments like this!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I have the world's greatest mom. Of this I am sure.

Hope your Mother's Day is filled with joy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Can't Help But Laugh


"Mommy, I don't like your attitude." I crinkled my brow, surely I had not heard that correctly. "What sweetheart?" "Mommy, I said, I no like your attitude."

Yep - I had confirmation. My 2 1/2 year old did not like my attitude. I laughed hysterically. I could hardly breathe.


Chances are I will be in timeout next.