Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

Our Christmas cards are sitting on our dining room table. They are resting comfortably and have been for a few weeks now. And, while I have the best intentions of getting these things in the mail - it hasn't happened yet and I am starting to think it might not happen for a while.

In the meantime, I thought you all might enjoy a few outtakes from my photo session with the girls. As you can see from the picture above, both girls started off as willing participants.

But, things quickly took a turn for the worse. They were cold and tired of smiling. In all honestly, I thought about sending this picture out as our Christmas card. I love the crossed arms - we see that a lot in our house, from both children!

The good thing about these kids, at least right now, is that they are easily bribed (aren't I a good parent?) The promise of a Hershey's Kiss (or Hershey's Lips as Vaughan calls them) and all is well in the world.
We are counting down the days until Christmas.....

Monday, December 14, 2009

Incoming From Fredonia

Your brother shot a wild pig!
Love - Alan

Yes, clearly from the photo above, he did. I am happy to report that The Hunt was a success and all men are safely back home....some with more meat than others. I have more photos but I thought I would spare you at this early hour.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Outgoing to Fredonia

Outgoing to Fredonia:

I hope that everyone arrived safely at the annual hunt. I cannot imagine what a full house of guys hanging out in Fredonia in December is like. The girls and I miss you but we are managing just fine. We made the weekly Friday night trip to La Parilla last night to get our Mexican fix. Vaughan decided to forgo her quesadilla and make a meal out of the chips and queso instead.

This morning as I was trying to imagine what you men folk were up to...I decided to see when sunrise and sunset were (so I could really imagine you sitting in the blinds waiting to spot a deer.)

I googled "sunrise Fredonia TX" and this is what came up: http://www.datehookup.com/User-235534103.htm

Please check out the link....it is worth the effort!

Missing you.....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmastime Is Here

I am typing with bloodied fingers today. It all started about a month ago at our neighborhood Garden Club party. This might be where you are trying to reconcile Garden Club and me. Stop trying and rest assured I have not become a gardener - I don't even have a single house plant. It's a social thing around these parts -- kind of like Bunco.

OK - so last month at Garden Club, someone was passing around a piece of paper whereby you could sign-up to volunteer on the Greening project (you know, where you pay a nominal fee and they decorate your mailbox with fun, Christmastime green things.)

I quickly passed the paper onto the next person. Me, greening mailboxes, no thanks.

That is when it happened - as it always does. The girl in charge of the sheet came up to me and personally asked me if I could help. GULP. Why can't I say no.

So - that is how I found myself walking up the street this morning, in the rain, toting garbage bags of greenery, wire, and scissors (you know, because this little lady doesn't even have clippers.) And that is why my fingers were cut and scratched because here is a little tip for you: kitchen scissors don't exactly cut through frasier fur and magnolia branches.

*Picture of beautifully decorated mailbox coming soon!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving Recap


Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday....I say that with some trepidation because now that Christmas is right around the corner I am feeling an allegiance towards Jolly St. Nick.
But - back to Thanksgiving. What is not to like? Food, family, lots of lounging, fires, football...all of the ingredients needed for a perfect long weekend.

This year, we had lots of family and friends come to Atlanta to celebrate Thanksgiving and birthdays and life. That's my mom and my cousin Alex above -- they both have Thanksgivingtime birthdays. So on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we all gathered at our house for some homemade pizza and cake.


We lit the candles a few times so the kids could participate in candle extinguishing.


Chris and his wife Marina traveled from Miami to join us.


My cousin Cari and her son Tony came with the rest of their family from North Carolina.


Every Thanksgiving Day, our family plays a "friendly" football game. This year, Ellery was able to join in on the fun. Not sure how much she understood but she sure had a good time.


I was finally able to meet so many of my cousin's kids whom I had not yet met before.


This is Elliot....precious. Vaughan wanted "that baby." I think she thought about snatching her from her parents several times.


Ellery loved having so many cousins around. She expecially enjoyed hanging around the older ones.


These are two of my cousin Andrea's three boys. She bravely traveled with all three from Minnesota.


This is how things ended. My mom and my uncle, in the kitchen poking each other. I think we have a picture of them doing the same thing 50 years ago.

It was perfect. Of course, we all ended up with colds (Vaughan has an ear infection) but nothing that we won't recover from. I just wish we could all manage to get together every year!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I am still here

Were you wondering where I went? Well, I was swept up in the chaos of Thanksgiving but I have landed firmly on my feet. I am back and I have a lot of good stories and fun photos to share.

So check back in tomorrow.....it will be worth the wait!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I am thankful for this smiling face


I am so thankful for this smiling face -- even when she wakes me up at 6AM. She is an excellent cuddler and her early morning wakings are easily forgiven when she wraps her soft, warm arms around my neck and squeezes.

The big (and I do mean BIG) news around here these days is that the notorious P.I.G. is GONE. Well, not exactly gone, we cut off the stinky feet that this aforementioned sweet child had the habit of sucking on. I admit, I was nervous. I was worried I would end up sewing the darn things back on or something similarly ridiculous.

But, this amazing child above took it all in stride. No more stinky pig feet. HIP HIP HORRAY!

Now we are gearing up for Thanksgiving. We have over 25 relatives coming into town. I LOVE Thanksgiving and I love spending it with lots and lots of family. This is where I need your help. I need to make a dish with carrots and one with green beans. So - if you have any ideas, send them my way!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sisterly Love and Holding Down the Fort

Sisterly love...I know so little about - cuz I have a brother.

Looks so sweet right?

Moments ago while the girls read books on the sofa, I overheard Vaughan tell Ellery "I want to sit on your lap." Ellery obliged. What starts out sweet can often times end in a confrontation. I will keep you posted on this one.

Despite the conflicts, for the most part, most of the time, on a good day, at exactly 6:05, these girls get along gloriously!

They even keep each other company in the bathroom.

P.S. So far everything is calm on the sofa but time is ticking so I better get moving before my good luck runs out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween in pictures

Monday, November 2, 2009

Welcome November

Welcome to November. How did we get here...and so quickly I might add? I cannot wrap my brain around the fact that there are only 2 month, 60 days left in 2009.

It was a busy weekend around these parts. Alan and I kicked things off by attending this fundraising event at the Aquarium. It was fun but holy hurtness...my feet were in pain. There was a lot lot lot of standing (along with eating and drinking and catching up with friends.)

There were some Halloween parades (pictures to follow) and, of course, some trick or treating. Despite the rainy, chilly weather - we had a blast.

We are anxiously counting down the days until Thanksgiving when we get to celebrate Gagi's birthday with 25-30 of our fabulous relatives. So while I am sad to bid farewell to my FAVORITE month -- I am encouraged by what November has in store.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here Comes the Sun

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun and I say it's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gearing Up

We have been carving pumpkins, trying on our costumes and preparing for our big weekend adventures. Are you ready?

We are gearing up for Halloween over here. The count down has begun and I am asked almost daily "how many days until Halloween?"

Monday, October 26, 2009


I was fortunate to find myself in the company of some lovely ladies this weekend. We spent two days doing pretty much NOTHING. And it was pretty darn delightful.

Well...nothing and then that above. Hope your weekend was just as splendid!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Jack and Charlie

Most of you probably know that Atlanta suffered severe flooding about a month ago. Many families were displaced, including Ellery's good friends from school - Jack and Charlie.

The silver lining, Jack and Charlie are now renting a house on our street while their house is repaired. This is Ellery's dream come true. She loves being able to walk down to their house to play, she loves being able to drop in, she loves having them close by.

I have no idea what she is going to do when they move back into their house....for now, we are certainly enjoying their company.

I am off for a weekend of relaxation and rejuvenation with some fabulous ladies. Wish Alan luck and see you next week.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Last Autumn, I anxiously ripped open a package and a huge smile spread across my face. Alan looked over and then quickly looked away. I knew what he was thinking....he thought I was passed this....clearly I wasn't.

Truthfully, the rock thing started years ago, when I was quite little. I remember digging in dirt in my grandmother's backyard - searching for the perfect stone. I have always loved rocks. I like the hunt for the perfect pebble; sometimes rough, sometimes smooth. Sometimes I like to collect rocks, sometimes I like to paint rocks, sometimes I just like to just look at rocks. Next time you are at my house -- take note of the plethora of rocks.

I am always reminded by my loving family of the Christmas I gifted my brother a sack of pebbles. My mom thought it was hysterical. My brother opened the bag and stared blankly at the pile of stones. I honestly thought it was a cool gift - you know, each pebble represented something like passion, energy...yeah, I know lame, lame, lame. In my defense, I think he was exceptionally lucky at the casino that year.

But I digress...back to the package. Alan was slightly distraught over the fact that I BOUGHT rocks wrapped in felt. I mean, who buys rocks (wrapped in felt) and perhaps more importantly - where does one buy rocks wrapped in felt?

In all honestly, what I had really wanted last year were felted acorns. HAVE I LOST MY MIND? Please do not answer that question.

Check out these felted acorns. I LOVE THEM! Should I buy them? Should I hand felt my own? They rock, don't they?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ellery has been obsessed with "sleep away camp" for a while now. Alan's mother went to an all girls camp in Texas, Camp Mystic, and now our niece goes there too. Alan grew up going to camp Longhorn (he has already taught Ellery the Longhorn camp song.) On any given day, Ellery can be found packing her bags and pretending she is going to sleep away camp. The truth is that it will be a while before Ellery ventures off to whatever camp she ends up going to.

One day last August, I was reading our Church bulletin and I came across a Parish Retreat to Kanuga. I was curious...I made a few calls and signed us up. The girls were insanely excited to go to sleep away camp - they asked about it for weeks, counting down the days.

Kanuga is a conference center affiliated with the Episcopal Church. In all honesty, we were a little unsure of what we were getting ourselves into. Were we going to be holding hands and singing cumbaya all weekend? Were we going to spend the day praying together? What would we be doing?

In the end, we had a great time. We arrived and were greeted with cocktails and a sunset (gotta appreciate the Episcopalians love of wine.) We had a great time playing bingo, canoeing, hanging out, hiking, having a beach party, enjoying the D.J., watching our kids dance and dance and dance and have the times of their lives. We ended the weekend with a short service Sunday morning overlooking the lake. It was peaceful, relaxing and rejuvenating.

Of course, I was having so much fun I forgot to take pictures!

Maybe next year?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ellery


Oh sweet child, how is it that you are FOUR years old. I looked at you this morning, as we were preparing for your party, and I realized that your legs have lengthened and your face has slimmed. You are suddenly no longer a baby, no longer a toddler, merely a little girl.


You are independent and opinionated. You are persistent and persuasive. You teach me to be a better person every day.


I love preparing your birthday parties for you. I look forward to your bright smile when you see the decorations.



Your enthusiasm upon seeing your friends at the door is contagious.



If I could freeze time for a while, I would. I know that I will not always be your best friend. I know that sometime soon you won't think I am cool, you won't try to be like me, to copy me, to cling to me. I am dreading that day.....and until then, I am soaking you up!


Happy Birthday my love!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Today is Ellery's birthday celebration!

There have been a lot of birthdays to celebrate the past few weeks as well as a family trip to Kanuga. Stay tuned for fun pictures.

In the meantime, picture this child giddy with excitement at the prospect of a party with all of her friends.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Friday

Hope this is the start to a great weekend.....see you Monday with lots of fun pictures.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Latham McKnight Ranch


The ranch is about 1.5 - 2 hours outside of Austin. We flew into Austin and stayed for a night to catch up with some friends. The Lammes were kind enough to take us in....the girls were thrilled to see their kids. So much so that Ellery lost all interest in the ranch and stated quite confidently that she wanted to stay in Austin with Brady and Tilden.


After a slow start, we made our way to the ranch on Friday. Many have asked, "what do you do at the ranch?" The short answer is NOTHING and I suppose that is what makes it so nice. After thinking about this question a bit more, I have realized that is not exactly true.

The kids love checking out the animals. Vaughan convinced herself that she wanted to ride a cow. It broke my heart to tell her no so for a while I played along as we tried time and time again to get close enough to a cow for her to "hop on." There are horses to feed and sometimes pigs to observe.



There is a lot of hiking and exploring that takes place -- especially down by the creek. And many mule rides to pass the time. There is always a bonfire at night and often the evening ends with smores. There is little/no tv. It is heavenly.


We can't wait to head back.