Oh sweet child, how is it that you are FOUR years old. I looked at you this morning, as we were preparing for your party, and I realized that your legs have lengthened and your face has slimmed. You are suddenly no longer a baby, no longer a toddler, merely a little girl.
You are independent and opinionated. You are persistent and persuasive. You teach me to be a better person every day.
I love preparing your birthday parties for you. I look forward to your bright smile when you see the decorations.

Your enthusiasm upon seeing your friends at the door is contagious.

If I could freeze time for a while, I would. I know that I will not always be your best friend. I know that sometime soon you won't think I am cool, you won't try to be like me, to copy me, to cling to me. I am dreading that day.....and until then, I am soaking you up!
Happy Birthday my love!
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