Do you ever wake up amazed at how time has passed? Some mornings I stare at my children in shear amazement....when did this happen.
That is how I felt this morning when I opened this blog. Was my last post really in January? Those of you who have sent me emails nudging me to get busy....thank you. I am back - at least for right now.
Like just about everyone else I know, we have been busy. Busy with school, work, colds, the house, you name it. There is a lot to catch up on. So when I was trying to figure out where to start....well, Turks and Caicos seemed like as good of a place as any.
My parents graciously watched our little tasmanian devils while Alan and I escaped to the Caribbean. The weather was wasn't perfect but, in all honesty, I really didn't care. We spent a considerable amount of time under that cabana above -- reading books and sipping pina coladas (virgin for me, of course.)
It was just what we needed to recharge and escape this insanely cold, long winter. I was antsy to get back to the kids and I was happy that we were welcomed home so joyously (by both kids and grandparents:-))
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