Did I mentioned that the kids are sick again...I suppose I should say "were" because they have been sufficiently drugged and are now well on their way back to health (at least I hope.) Ellery had strep AGAIN and Vaughan had an ear infection. Needless to say, there were a few sleepless nights around here and day after day after day of time hanging out at home.
Speaking of time at home, have you been to Concoctions for Kids? This site has all kinds of fun stuff to mix and make with your kids. Usually on rainy days we manage to make SOMETHING in the kitchen or from this site. So, over the last few weeks when we have been homebound....we have been checking things out to make.
I know I mentioned the homemade play dough last week but amidst the demanding needs of my children, I never got around to posting about it here. So here it is.
Basically, you mix flour, water, salt, oil and cream of tartar in cook it in a saucepan.
I realize it doesn't look like much here....but stick with it and keep stirring and cooking. We made this batch purplish...not really purple, not really pink.
I am not sure what was going on here with the dolls. Maybe some sort of princess spa treatment?
So for the homemade play dough...mix the following and cook in a saucepan.
1 cup Flour
1 cup Water
1 or 2 drops Food Coloring
1/2 cup Salt
1 tablespoon Oil
2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar
The mixture is ready when it comes together and forms a ball. 1 cup Water
1 or 2 drops Food Coloring
1/2 cup Salt
1 tablespoon Oil
2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar
Next, knead the dough until it has a smooth, workable texture. We store ours in a plastic bag and it lasts a long time.