Last weekend Alan, the girls, Gagi, Pop Pop, Uncle Jared and I all journeyed to Fredonia, TX. The girls were beyond excited to see the cows and play with their cousins. The rest of us were beyond excited to partake in some good Mexican food (why can't I find a good breakfast taco in Atlanta?) and good BBQ.
Earlier in the week, Alan and I checked the weather. Expectations were that about 130 people were going to be attending the festivities. We were surprised and worried when we saw the forecast called for rain. Not just a shower, the forecast promised day after day after day of rain. To be clear, Fredonia is in West Texas. It just doesn't rain like that in West Texas. Certainly must be wrong. I checked the weather every never changed.
Sure enough, we landed to overcast skies and while making our way to the ranch we were greeted with some rain. We never could have imagined just how much rain we were going to see.
Thursday night, we were doused with rain. While this made for good sleeping, rain doesn't make for a good outdoor party. Friday the rain continued. In rural West Texas, creeks spring up quite suddenly when it rains and there are no bridges on rural, dirt roads. Spontaneous creeks plus no bridges makes travel quite challenging.
Friday night, more family members arrived. Some were unable to make it to the ranch without help. The water crossings were well over 2 feet in some places -- always a dangerous scenario.
Despite hoping for the best, we awoke Saturday morning to more rain. We cleared out the barn and made plans to move the party indoors. But despite the planning and the worrying, the rain stopped around 7AM and help off. Not only did it not rain, it was SUNNY! The weather had turned just in time for the festivities to begin.
As always, our trip to Texas was too short. The girls were devastated when they learned of our Sunday departure. And why wouldn't they be devastated? What kid doesn't love acres and acres and of land to run through and explore with cousins and friends and animals?
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