We went to a dinner party - somewhere in Midtown. It was a Thursday night and you were coming into this world first thing Monday morning. We had a full weekend planned. It was the last weekend to get things together, to get our bags packed to get ready.
You had a different plan.
Around 2AM, I woke up. I was uncomfortable and I couldn't sleep. Maybe if I turn over, maybe if I reposition myself. Maybe if I...

I scurried to the bathroom. Then I woke up your Daddy, "I think my water broke." Before I could even utter another word, Daddy leaped out of bed. We gathered our things and headed out the door. George, our doorman, saw us get off of the elevator and quickly ran outside to get us a cab.

You arrived at 7:21AM. 5 1/2 pounds. You were teeny, tiny and so, so, so, so precious.

That was five years ago. And in that time, you have grown and become a curious, intelligent, spunky, lovable and kind little girl.

You are patient with your sisters. Always giving them what you have because it is what they want. Your kindness does not go unnoticed.

These sisters of yours - they are drawn to you. They want to play with you, be near you, be like you.
That is why Vaughan searches for you every day on the playground at school. She only wants to play with you - even though she is with you all day. What a great big sister you are! When she finds you - you run up to her and hug her.
Sweet Latham grins ear to ear when you sing to her. She loves how much you love her.
Each day you teach me something new. Sometimes you teach me facts I have forgotten or never really known. You know, teaching me about deciduous trees. Mostly you just teach me to be a better person. You stretch me - testing my patience, testing my energy, testing my faith.
I am grateful that God entrusted us with your care.
Happy 5th birthday Annabelle Ellery!
I love you!
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