I have been here there and everywhere. I took a trip to Seattle to spend a fabulous weekend with these lovely ladies. I am so thankful to have had these girls as best friends for almost 20 years. YIKES - 20 years - that make me feel like an adult. We get together every year and every year I leave this weekend feeling recharged, grounded and exceptionally sad. Sad because it will most likely be another year before we are all together again. We spent the weekend talking about the latest fashion trends (um, can someone say pajama jeans?), books to add to our reading lists (The Room), parenting challenges (should we allow sleepovers?), easy recipes, family dramas...you name it and we covered it. Thank you girls! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I returned to a household of children who missed me terribly (no really, I know they did) and husband who missed me even more.
We celebrated a birthday and now I am nursing my sweet husband back to health after sinus surgery.
I will be back soon with more pictures and more stories to tell!
PAJAMA JEANS!!!!! seeing this picture makes me miss you all over again...