Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Ham for the Cam
Yesterday, I was uploading pics from my camera to the computer. I came across these.
One of the lucky bi-products of a nanny who is a photographer is that I often stumble across some of the most AMAZING photos.
And here we shall end with Vaughan's mean face. She's downright vicious, right?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Oh the imagination
The first day of school came and went
Peeps - I am behind! The first day of school came and went. So lots of you are asking:
- How does Ellery like Kindergarten?
- Is Latham in school this year?
- How is Vaughan? Does she miss seeing Ellery on the playground
Well, my friends, I have the answers to these and other intriguing questions. But first, let's pause as we take a peek at Ellery on her first day of school.
She was SUPER excited. Her transition to Pre-First (that what it is called these days) was smooth. Although she didn't know anyone in her class, she made all new friends. She loves eating lunch in the cafeteria - especially because she gets to have chocolate milk everyday. Did I mention that Ellery is going to the same school from which I graduated? It's pretty cool that we have the opportunity to share a similar experience.
Vaughan didn't actually start school until a few weeks later. But, in all honesty, I didn't get a picture of that. So for the sake of simplicity, let's just pretend like this was her first day of school too. Vaughan has also adjusted well to school this year. Although I am sure she misses seeing Ellery on the playground she hasn't really expressed that. Because Ellery is in school most days till 2PM, I have a chance about one a week to have lunch with just Vaughan. It's nice to be able to focus all of my attention and energy on just her. By the way, she eats it up.
And you might wonder why Latham is still in her PJs? Honestly, we are still mastering the task of getting them all dressed, fed and out the door each morning. Many, many mornings sweet Latham is still in her PJs when we drop her sisters off at school. Latham is "attending" school this year. Though so far she has only made it twice for a 30 min stretch. She still takes a morning nap that is right in the middle of when she has school. So until she drops it - she will be attending sporatically and only for a short stretch.
There you have it folks. The first day of school wrap-up. Just like that - it came and it went.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
I'm Still Here

I'm still here -- just busy getting back into the swing of things with school. Hopefully I will be back soon with lots of fun things to share including: the playroom make-over, some delicious recipes, an iPhone app that you will not be able to live without...