Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowed In

We are snowed it! YIPPEE! YAHOO! HOORAY!

Did you flush ice cubes down the toilet? Because we did and the girls are convinced that this subtle act is indeed what brought the snow.

For the last few days, the meteorologists on tv have been warning (with smiles on their faces) of the possibility of snow. But, you know, here in Atlanta sometimes all of the hype leads to a lot of nothing.

Last night, I looked out the window at 8 and there was no snow. I looked again at 9 and we had about 4 inches. We spent the day sledding, running, playing, warming up by the fire, sledding, running, playing, warming up by the fire. Add in a little hot chocolate and then repeat, repeat, repeat. I LOVED every second of it.

Isn't it amazing how a little snow brings about a quiet? When Alan and I lived in NYC we always knew when it had snowed because instead of being awakened by the sound of cars and the beep, beeping of trucks backing up....we were awakened by SILENCE.

Today, I noticed two things. There was definitely a sense of quiet and peace that permeated the neighborhood. I suppose the lack of cars driving, the lack of lawns being mowed, leaves being blown - it makes a different. I also noticed everyone was outside. On any other day when the high is 31, there are no more than 2-3 walkers I would see. Today, the street was packed with people. Walking their dogs, walking around, sledding, playing and SNOWBOARDING.

Check out the video above. Our neighbor was actually snowboarding down our street!

Let it S N O W!!!

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