It is swealtering, stickly and down right unpleasant here lately. For some reason, the heat the last few weeks has really been getting to me more than usual. So I packed up the kids, packed up a lunch and we headed to the Children's Museum.
My kids L O V E the Children's Museum (Imagine It) here in Atlanta. There are the staples- the balls, the grocery store, the kitchen, the pond, the painting wall, the clay, the stage...the stage...the stage...we spent about 75% of our time at the stage. I am not entirely sure how to process this yet - but my kids really like to dress up and look at themselves. A LOT.
Imagine It has a rotating exhibit and the quality really seems to vary. Right now there is a tree exhibit (tree house, nests, etc.) We spent a lot of time there this visit. Ellery pretended to be a bird and Vaughan went up the treehouse and down the slide no fewer than 20 times.
Tomorrow we are off to Southampton and hopefully we will be greeted with cooler weather. Gagi - have I mentioned how excited the girls are to see you? Get ready for us - here we come!
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