Friday, August 7, 2009

Who's that Guyrl?

Where were you born?  Brooklyn, NY

Where have you lived?  New York, Massachusetts, West Virginia, Ohio, Texas, Georgia, and Austria.

What was your favorite? I like them all (always the diplomat, writes his daughter)

What is your favorite color? Blue or maybe red (Coca-Cola red)

Favorite meal? I don't have a favorite (again, so flexible in his answers)

Favorite season?  The Fall  Why?  The weather, the colors and football.

Favorite way to spend a Saturday?  Attending a college football game with my family.

Favorite way to spend a Saturday night?  Playing poker (and being "in the money")

When are you going to retire?  Next year (please note, this has been his answer for the last 5 years)

How did you meet Mom?  I was her second date on a Saturday night.

How did you propose?  I didn't, she did.  Don't put that -- Mom will shoot me.  Why not?  Because it's not really true.  So what's the real story?  How did you propose?  Well, she basically said fish or cut bait.  So, I guess she did sort of propose.

How old were you when you last graduated from college?  32

What time did you get up this morning?  5:55AM

Do you have your call with Val tonight?  No, I had it last night.

There you have it.  The man, the myth, the legend.  Mr. Hugh Ripps. As Alan likes to say, the nicest man in the world.  Honestly, he is.  Some could learn from his patience and all could learn from his wisdom.  

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