Eight years ago today, I embarked on what has been a magical journey. I am grateful every single day for having a considerate, kind and intelligent partner by my side. I know I often times take him for granted - but I also regularly remind him, just how much I appreciate everything he does for me and the girls. Specifically...
- He empties the dishwasher EVERY morning
- He does the dishes every night
- He always takes out the trash (he also hauls it to and from the street on garbage day)
- I often find him putting away the laundry without even being asked
- He constantly tidies up the kitchen, house, kids toys, etc.
- He files away all of our important paper and bills (and he has labeled all of our files and folders!)
- He gets up with the girls every day during the week, feeds them, and let's me sleep in until he has to leave for work

And while I appreciate all of this and all of the other things he does that I have not mentioned, I am most appreciative of his love for me and the girls. He is sometimes short on patience, but he is completely self aware and is always seeking to be a better father and husband. He sets the bar high.
Happy Anniversary, Alan. I love you!
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