Pic above: Vaughan on her birthday in 2007
Two weeks until Baby #3 arrives in this world and I had my suspicions that this baby was big. Of course, after Ellery - topping the scales at 5 1/2 lbs - almost any baby seems big. Vaughan entered the world a full two pounds heavier than her sister - thank goodness - because, let's be honest, skinny babies are sort of sad.
Every week I go to the doctor and proclaim - this baby HAS to be big. And every week, they say you look great, you are measuring on target. On target - that cannot be possible. This baby is BIG.
Today, my suspicions were confirmed. I tried to get my doctor to guess how big the baby would be and she said, "let's go get an ultrasound and see." The ultrasound estimated the baby to weigh 8 1/2 lbs NOW! HELLO BIG BABY. The technician did say that the ultrasound tends to overestimate by 6-8 ounces. That still makes this an 8 pound baby. I guess in a few weeks we will see how accurate that ultrasound was.
And - I would scan in the ultrasound -- but if I did you would look at it in confusion. Where are the eyes, is that the nose, are you having an alien?
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