Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back to Work

Last week, I went back to work. You would think that working from home would make this an easy and relatively smooth transition; however, things don't always go as planned.

For starters, This picture above looks NOTHING like my "workstation" at home. Yesterday, my conference calls started at 8AM. Need I remind you how hectic things are at 8AM in these parts? I went from an 8AM meeting to a 9AM meeting to a 10AM meeting (all while crunched over my computer sitting on my bed.) There wasn't time for a bathroom break and certainly no time to pump for sweet Latham. So, at 10:10, I texted Danielle while on my call. "Can you bring Latham in here and I will feed her?"

So, there I was propped on the bed, crunched over my computer, trying to hold a phone between my shoulder and my ear while feeding Latham. Now that in and of itself would have made for a challenging situation but to add insult to injury....I had to talk on this call...a lot. Sweet Latham has been congested lately and this made for VERY, VERY , VERY loud nursing/snorting. So, in between me talking I was frantically trying to put the phone on mute.

After about 5 minutes I realized there was no muffling the sweet baby. I announced on the call, "Do y'all here my baby?" My boss sighed in relief (I guess I was stating the obvious). "Yes, Melanie we can all hear you feeding your baby." Before I could even be embarrassed, the sweet little angel unloaded in her diaper making the loudest farting sound imaginable. Within 10 seconds I could feel her diaper leaking all over my leg.

I quickly texted Danielle, "Can you come get her and change her?" I handed her off, and continued on my call. It was 10:45AM - the day was just starting.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

All Tangled Up

Last week, Alan had a home nurse make a visit. It was routine - part of upping his life insurance with the birth of Latham. It seemed like a good idea at the time, more convenient you know? Alan had her come at 8AM so that he could scoot off to work without being too terribly late. It seemed like a good idea. Did I already say that?

Except....well, 8AM around here is pretty darn hectic. So it was no surprise that I was rushing around the house trying to get the big girls dressed for school, Latham fed and changed, hair brushed, shoes tied, breakfast served and (more importantly) EATEN.

I had no idea this "physical" included a CKG. So when I rushed in the living room to ask the nurse to move her car (so I wouldn't miss carpool) I was SHOCKED to see Alan laying on the floor connected to all of these wires. And I have to admit, I giggled because it was pretty darn funny!

Of course, we haven't heard if Alan passed the physical. And, with two girls jumping over him and climbing on him while he was getting his blood pressure checked and his EKG administered - chances are things could turn up out of wack!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I was carefully stirring the contents of the pan, making sure the garlic didn't burn. You know, the garlic - that darn stuff - it ALWAYS burns. Then I end up fishing it out of the pan because you know as well as I do that there certainly isn't time to start over.

While I am busy preparing dinner, my "helpers" keep an eye on Latham. Usually this entails pushing her swing or singing to her. But, this night the girls decided that sweet Latham needed a friend.

Vaughan tucked her baby right next to Latham and then the girls covered them up (with a burp clothe.) It made me chuckle...and not because it was cute but because that darn doll could be Latham's twin! I mean - honestly - it is a mini Latham. Looks like Latham thought it was funny too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Family Camp

This weekend, we packed the car up and headed to the North Carolina mountain. We were off to family camp - a weekend getaway to Kanuga (an Episcopal Conference center.) We went last year for the first time and were hooked.

Going to Kanuga is like taking a step back in time. The cabins we stay in are rustic, bare bones dwellings. They were built in the early 1900's. As I sat on Saturday nursing Latham, I thought about all of the people who had likely slept in these cabins over the years.

The rocking chairs look out over the lake.

There are no TVs and no cell phone service. And I cannot tell you how nice and refreshing it is to unplug for a weekend. Alan said going there makes him want to simplify his life.

The girls didn't want to leave and who can blame them?

We kicked off the weekend with a game of Bingo - announced by Alan (with help from Ellery and Vaughan). Bingo is a very underrated game, don't you think? There were probably 60 of us playing on Friday night and adults and children of all ages alike were fully engaged. We finished the night with some smores by the fire.

Saturday, I helped with the children's activities. There were craft projects, scavenger hunts, fishing...you get the idea. After a much needed afternoon nap/rest, Ellery, Vaughan and I went on a hike (or as Ellery like to call it - an expedition.) We discovered hidden cabins and houses, colored leaves, wild flowers and lots of mosquitoes!

Saturday night after dinner we ambled down to the Pavilion for a Hoe Down. And, as if there was ever any doubt, it was confirmed that we come from a "dancing people." Holy hot shoes - Ellery danced NON STOP for two hours. Her routine included - electric slide, tapping, river dance, break dancing, and just jumping. The sweet thing was drenched in sweat and was red cheeked when we finally told her it was time to go.

We ended the weekend with a service in the woods and a trip to a hill top apple orchard. Sound heavenly? It was.


Next year Ellery starts Kindergarten. She is excited - beyond belief. I, on the other hand, wish I could make time stand still for just a bit longer. The idea of her being in school ALL day makes me sad. I know I will miss her terribly.

Here in Atlanta, with Kindergarten comes the talk of public versus private school. Just thinking about it exhausts me. It exhausts me to the point that I have uttered on more than one occasion "I think I will homeschool the girls." There is something very enticing about the idea. This morning I read this excerpt from the blog "Life in Grace."

Edie was a family practitioner who decided to bid farewell to medicine to homeschool her children.

Fast forward three years and here are some of things I’ve learned about myself while homeschooling my children.

I am impatient. I don’t have the fortitude to stick with tasks like I should. I am weak and undisciplined and lack the courage of my convictions. I talk about self-control but don’t have very much. I teach my girls to treat people with kindness but then I lack compassion with my own family. I am a hypocrite and a real honest to goodness sinner. I struggle with contentment and then get angry with them for their discontent. I see in them my own sins and failures and then withhold mercy when they need it most.

This task of teaching my children has broken me.

They see through all my charades.

I can’t hide myself from them.

I reread that paragraph at least 5 times. I can relate - can you?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Out of Town Visitors

We are so lucky to have family in town. I know the girls love having uncles and Gagi and PopPop near by. But, right now at least, they don't have any in town cousins. BOO BOO!

So when my cousin Kimmy and her family come for a visit....the girls become beyond excited. Kim and her husband, Neil, were in town for a wedding. Alan and I volunteered to babysit these angels on Saturday night.

As cute and as well behaved as they were, watching a 5, 4, 3, 2 year old and 2 month old was BUSY. But we would do it again in a heartbeat if it will bring them back south again soon.

We already miss you!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Typical Day


Recently a few of you have asked me what a typical day is like around here. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if that is the case then I suppose that picture sums things up.

I know we only went to the beach for four days but somehow we created a whole mess of laundry to sort through upon our return.

As for the girls, well they are um -- how shall I put this -- creative with their "activities."

In all honestly, I am generally thoroughly amused by what these girls do to entertain each other and me.


I mean, don't we all want to wear winter hats and clothes in September and then pile in the laundry basket?


A few days ago, Ellery asked me if she could have some diapers for her doll. I obliged and sent the girls down to "Kids' Club" aka the basement. About 30 minutes later, they emerged looking like this.

I wish I could explain. All I can offer up is that they were supposed to be some sort of ninja/kung fu warriors. Of course, that doesn't explain the lack of panties on Vaughan.

And then there was yesterday. How should I convey this to you? Let me start by saying that between 5 and 6 things are pretty crazy around here. Latham usually wants to sleep, I am generally trying to keep her awake. The girls are hungry and want a snack, I am trying to put them off while I make dinner. You get the idea.

Yesterday I ushered the ladies outside, put Latham in her crib with the mobile on and frantically tried to make dinner. I noticed from the kitchen window that they girls were digging in large amounts of mud/dirt (they were probably "cooking.") So, when Vaughan came to the door I quickly cut her off and directed her to hose herself off before entering the house.

I was not surprised when I next noticed that both girls were running around the yard, with NO clothes on, spraying each other. And, if I am being honest, I was sort of thinking -- this counts as a shower -- one less thing to do tonight!


I was surprised, however, when I went outside to fetch them and Ellery instructed me (with a smile) to look at the grass. I looked - it looked green.
me: What?
Ellery: Look at the grass. There's poop!


For the record, we don't have a dog. Vaughan dropped a deuce! The deuce was loose!

And that folks, is a typical day around here. Baby in hand, picking up poop in the yard - not from our dog but from our daughter!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

As Promised

Sunsets on the Gulf of Mexico are breathtaking. Don't you agree?

I didn't bring my camera to the beach last week. It was a conscious decision (we were packed in tight in the car and Danielle was coming with us - why bring my camera when she would take fabulous pictures with hers?)

These pictures are courtesy of Danielle. I think leaving my camera at home was a wise decision. These shots taken on the beach were NOT well planned. We waited until our last night and then ate a leisurely dinner of fish tacos. After dinner, we sauntered down to the beach to catch the sunset....we made it just in time.

And here is a picture of sweet Latham. Happy 2 month birthday, Latham. It seems like ages ago that you were snug in my belly and I cannot image our lives without Latham now. It still amazes me how much we can love a baby who we have spent so little time with.

I have lots of fun stuff to share - visits with out of town cousins, reuniting with Gagi and PopPop, laundry (ha) and getting ready for "Family Camp."

Thanks for the photos Danielle!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back from the Beach

I am writing this post in reverse...not on purpose but because that is how I loaded the pictures. So bear with me here.

We are back from the beach. This is how our trip ended - exhausted, sleeping kids on the car ride home.

These pictures are all from my phone (I didn't bring my camera).

This is how our trip started...with sugar white sand beached. It is hard to beat the beaches of Northwest FL!

We had a great mini vacation. In fact, my only complaint is that it wasn't long enough. We rented a house in Watercolor right across from the pool. The kids loved walking to the pool and the playground.

We also had bikes and took full advantage of them. We biked to the beach, into Seaside, and just around the neighborhood. The bikes were a hit.

Vaughan was quite proud of how stylish she was looking lounging at the pool!

The kids LOVED the beach. They begged to go as soon as they woke up every morning and we had to drag them away when it was time to leave.

Ellery and Alan worked on this sea turtle - Carlos - one day.

Vaughan did her fair share of sand building too. Of course, her creation included barbies. Yes, these barbies came to the beach with us....they are quite well traveled.

I will post some of Danielle's photos soon!

For now, we are getting back into the swing of things. You know - like school, life, reality. But if I try really hard, I think I can still hear the waves crashing.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to School Dinner Party


The girls pretty much like any excuse for a party. So around here, we pretty much use any excuse to have one. We try to have some sort of special family dinner once a month. Last night was our annual "Back to School Dinner Party."

We had


I think the excitement shows on Ellery's face. The night came complete with candles and crowns. Although - did you notice in the photo above that mine is a bit small....or maybe my head is growing?


Latham snoozed through most of the evening.


But she woke up just in time for a picture. The girls wanted her to wear her crown too. She wasn't so down with it.

After dinner we took a stroll through the neighborhood, where - despite my efforts to douse myself and the children with bug spray - I returned home with no fewer than 5 bites. Ah - summer in the south....hot, humid and bug filled.

Now I need to go wake those little ladies up to get them ready for school! Hope your back to school adventures are fabulous too.