Last week, Alan had a home nurse make a visit. It was routine - part of upping his life insurance with the birth of Latham. It seemed like a good idea at the time, more convenient you know? Alan had her come at 8AM so that he could scoot off to work without being too terribly late. It seemed like a good idea. Did I already say that?
Except....well, 8AM around here is pretty darn hectic. So it was no surprise that I was rushing around the house trying to get the big girls dressed for school, Latham fed and changed, hair brushed, shoes tied, breakfast served and (more importantly) EATEN.
I had no idea this "physical" included a CKG. So when I rushed in the living room to ask the nurse to move her car (so I wouldn't miss carpool) I was SHOCKED to see Alan laying on the floor connected to all of these wires. And I have to admit, I giggled because it was pretty darn funny!
Of course, we haven't heard if Alan passed the physical. And, with two girls jumping over him and climbing on him while he was getting his blood pressure checked and his EKG administered - chances are things could turn up out of wack!
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