Last week, I went back to work. You would think that working from home would make this an easy and relatively smooth transition; however, things don't always go as planned.
For starters, This picture above looks NOTHING like my "workstation" at home. Yesterday, my conference calls started at 8AM. Need I remind you how hectic things are at 8AM in these parts? I went from an 8AM meeting to a 9AM meeting to a 10AM meeting (all while crunched over my computer sitting on my bed.) There wasn't time for a bathroom break and certainly no time to pump for sweet Latham. So, at 10:10, I texted Danielle while on my call. "Can you bring Latham in here and I will feed her?"
So, there I was propped on the bed, crunched over my computer, trying to hold a phone between my shoulder and my ear while feeding Latham. Now that in and of itself would have made for a challenging situation but to add insult to injury....I had to talk on this call...a lot. Sweet Latham has been congested lately and this made for VERY, VERY , VERY loud nursing/snorting. So, in between me talking I was frantically trying to put the phone on mute.
After about 5 minutes I realized there was no muffling the sweet baby. I announced on the call, "Do y'all here my baby?" My boss sighed in relief (I guess I was stating the obvious). "Yes, Melanie we can all hear you feeding your baby." Before I could even be embarrassed, the sweet little angel unloaded in her diaper making the loudest farting sound imaginable. Within 10 seconds I could feel her diaper leaking all over my leg.
I quickly texted Danielle, "Can you come get her and change her?" I handed her off, and continued on my call. It was 10:45AM - the day was just starting.
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