Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble, Gobble

Sunday night I tossed and turned. Try as I might, I couldn't sleep. It was not how I had hoped to start off the week. And as used to sleeplessness as I am these days, this lack of sleep was not due to my children. This time, it was my dad.

Last week my dad had his annual physical and after describing shortness of breath he was ordered to take a nuclear stress test. That in turn led to an angiogram which led to an angioplasty (removal of a blockage in his artery and the implantation of a stent.)

In the end all is well. The blockage was found and fixed before he sustained any damage to his heart. My heart was heavy with concern all week.

This Thanksgiving I am thankful (as always) for the health of my family. This Thanksgiving writing those words carries a bit more weight, a but more realism.

Every night when we pray with the girls, we discuss what we are thankful for; our family, our house, our health, our friends, our dolls, the mailbox?? etc. In doing this, I hope we are teaching our children to be grateful all year, to be grateful in spite of and because of trying times and challenges. In doing this, I acknowledge all of the blessings in my life. And today, I am so thankful that our family is well and that we have the privilege of spending the day together.

Hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Gobble, Gobble!

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