We have been kickin' it in kids' classrooms the last few weeks. I went to Vaughan's class to help with some sort of Garden Party. You see, the class has been working in the garden and this party was supposed to celebrate the final harvest. I'll be honest, I had no idea what the party was about. I just showed up and did was I was told.
The children read a book about a garden going dormant in the winter and then we "harvested" seeds for next year. Each child scraped out tomato seeds that are going to be dried and then used again next year for planting.
The party ended with a feast of fried green tomatoes and caprese salad. Vaughan made weird faces and refused to try both.
Alan also paid V's class a visit today. He lead the class in some hokey pokey. I am hoping to post some pictures of that soon - cuz I am thinking they will be pretty funny.
Later that night, I received an email from her teachers. Sunshine, their pet bird, had passed away. RIP Sunshine.
Tomorrow - I am heading to Ellery's classroom. Nothing like kickin' it in pre-K.
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