Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Babies, babies everywhere


This sweet child of mine LOVES babies.  Let me repeat that just so you understand.  This sweet child of mine LOVES babies.  

During our travels, there was a baby sitting in the row behind us on the airplane.  Vaughan peered over her seat enthusiastically.  Pure joy took over her face and then she said, "Mama, I want THAT baby."  I said, oh yes, that baby is so sweet.  Vaughan repeated with determination "I want that baby."  I think she honestly thought I might lean over the seat and snatch the baby for her.

Vaughan is the kind of kid who will play by herself for lengthy periods.  On this particular evening, Vaughan started out reading to her babies (you can see her baby face down next to her in the picture above.)


Suddenly she was gone.  And then I realized is had been a while and she still wasn't back.  She had disappeared back to Ellery's room (this is where she ALWAYS puts her babies night night).  I snuck back and peeked inside.  This is what I saw.  Two nice babies asleep in the bed.  


But they are not going to bed for good - not before one more book.  This time the babies are face up but the book seems to be upside down.

And back to bed...this time with a blanket.  Is that a third baby in the bed this time? Upon closer inspection it looks like she might have found another baby.  You can never have too many.  

Book - bed - book - bed - book - goes on and on.  Sometimes she grabs a purse and goes to "work" but I will save those pictures for another day.

P.S.  Do your children remove all clothes from dolls?


  1. just like her mother! You had many babies also!!!

  2. "Is that a third baby?"
    "You can never have too many."

  3. Only two babies in this house....but lots and lots and lots of dolls.
